
Uncertainty As The Spectre Of Yellow Weather Looms Over The Entire South West

The next few days might sweep like a spectre as the Met Office has warned that high winds might batter the south of England as well as the western axis of Wales. The yellow weather warning covers the entire southwest of the United Kingdom.

According to the forecast, from Tuesday, 11 April, down to Wednesday, 12 April, the regions earlier mentioned should look out for signs of yellow weather and stick to all safety measures in the event of high winds.

The Met Office has told residents in the regions to expect a period of strong winds bringing the potential for some disruption on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Office also warned of potential delays on ferries, railways, and even the roads, with power cuts likely.

While their is no reason to be alarmed about the yellow weather, people living in coastal areas and around the seafront are warned to keep away from the seafront, as large waves are likely to hit the area. You can check out the post below.

Interestingly, the yellow weather warning has been a source of mixed conversation on social media, with some tweeps joking that nature is somewhat upset with humanity for being careless with the environment. Can you beat that?

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