
Unimpressed Ntsiki Mazwai Denounces Zodwa Wabantu Over Controversial Video

Controversial poet and anti-GBV advocate Ntsiki Mazwai has got her compatriots talking after sharing her thoughts about Zodwa Wanabtu, an equally controversial figure in South Africa’s national life.

Her recent intervention stemmed from a clip shred of Zodwa Wanamntu dancing. In the clip, Ntsiki believed that the controversial dancer exposed too much and crossed the line.

In a tweet on her official X account, Ms Mazwai pointed out that Zodwa Wabantu wass probably suffering from sexual and psychological trauma and generally needed help.

Beyond that, she felt Zodwa Wabantu should be banned, as her content is everywhere and kids can view it. The kids have to be protected from her content. You can check out the post below.

Unimpressed Ntsiki Mazwai Denounces Zodwa Wabantu Over Controversial Video 1

Actually, the video that Ntsiki Mazwai referenced elicited mixed reactions from South Africans. While some condemned her for the video, some saw nothing wrong with it and made that clear in their responses to the clip.

It is unclear if Zodwa Wabantu would think it necessary to address Ntsiki Mazwai, but one thing that is pretty clear is that there is no stopping Zodwa anytime soon. She has made her choice and is stubborn projecting the same, not caring what the public might say or think about her.

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