
Video | Amapiano Song #KeSingle Ignites Mzansi Social Media Users

It looks lik the amapiano song “Ke Single” is becoming the in-thing in Mzansi. The song trended recently, and Mzansi social media users are all for it.

The hashtag #KeSingle has been adopted for the song, which is thr brainchild of Mzansi musos Loverss Exklusive and Seven Step. The song explores the public’s imagination about relationships. One might be single but the world might imagine one is in a relationship.

Apparently the song speaks of the situation many in the Rainbow Nation are in. it was inevitable the song should become a hit with the listening public. Many in South Africa are already creating their on versions of the song, sharing videos on tik Tok and Instagram.

You can check out some of the videos below and, in you’re in the mood, share yours aas well.

From the looks of it, a #KeSingle challenge just might erupt from the frenzy over Loverss Exklusive and Seven Step’s “Ke Single” hit. If that should happen, we will of course share the details with you.

In the interim, let the videos of the #KeSingle frenzy fill your pockets with the day’s worth of mirth and entertainment. You’ve got nothing to lose, people! Stay tuned

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