
Video: Tbo Touch Celebrates Royal Gift From King Misuzulu

The king of the Zulu, King Misuzulu, has just honoured local media personality Tbo Touch. The honour has got many South Africans talking, reflecting on the symbolism of it all.

Of course, an honour from such an important figure is not something that comes easily and certainly not something anyone and everyone can get. So it is of great significance when one is honoured by the king.

The Zulu King presented the television personality with a gift after an interview. Recognising the symbolism of that gesture, the Tbo Touch had taken to Instagram, where he shared a video of him with the king. In the caption,m he spoke about unmerited favour and how he is a beneficiary of the same.

He ended up by thanking the Zulu king for the favoured bestowed upon him. Last we checked, is post has been liked over 7k times, with fans camped in the comments and speaking about the symbolism of the king’s gesture while also congratulating the media personality. You can check out the post below.

Tbo Touch is easily one of the top South African broadcasters out there. His life, as he has made evident multiple times in the past, is full of many favours.

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