
Vusi Nova Reacts To Alleged R170K Debt To Event Organisers Following No-Show

Now and then social media buzzes with allegations that entertainers collect money from music promoters but fail to pitch for shows. No-shows are pretty sporadic in South Africa, with entertainers dragged all over the place.

Well, the latest to be dragged online is none other than the singer Vusi Nova. The muso allegedly owes show organisers R170 after failing to pitch for a show for which he was paid.

Given his calibre, it was inevitable that the claim against him should reverberate across the industry.

A recent report by Zimoja claimed that Vusi Nova was paid R170k upfront to perform at the Cherry Festival in Ficksburg but failed to show up.

Well, reacting to the claim, the musician didn’t deny he was paid to perform at the show. He merely explained that he had an accident while driving to the event and had to wait for the police.

The accident wasn’t major. Still, it led to delays for which he apologised and offered to perform at a different time. He also claimed to have refunded the full sum paid to him for the performance.

This statement contradicts what was said earlier, which is that he owes the event organisers. Well, to each his claim.

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