
Vuyo Zungula Writes Bheki Cele & Ronald Lamola Over Safety Of Sizokthola Crew Amid Death Threats

Drug is a seriously profitable business and for some people, a game of life and death. They are ready to do anything to sustain the business. Now, imagine someone or a group trying to poke their noses in the affairs of a drug lord.

The potentials for a hit are plenty.

Sizok’thola a reality show that seeks to document and expose the druggies in the townships is understandably taking a risk. And, again understandably, the threats have not been slow in coming.

Just recently, it was reported that crews of the show were trapped in a pub, where they busted a drug ring. Fellow crew members who managed to get out had to return to break down the doors to free their associates.

With the increasing death threats against the crew members, ATM’s Vuyo Zungula had had to write a letter to police affairs minister Bheki Cele and justice minister Ronald Lamola, seeking protection. The urgency of the situation is such that he is asking them to take immediate action to protect the crew. You can check out the letter below.

At the time of writing, neither of the two ministers had responded to the call for help. It remains to be seen how they will handle the situation.

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