
Watch Angry White Mine Owners Destroy Equipment As Burkina Faso Starts Mines Nationalization

A little crisis is brewing in Burkina Faso as the Burkinabe government starts nationalizing mines in the country, provoking anger among white mine owners, some of whom have started destroying mining equipment.

In a clip currently circulating online, a loader could be seen destroying some Toyota pickups belonging to the Perkoa mine owners while some staff of the company watched on amid conversation going on in the background.

Burkina Faso has a thriving mining industry and has been described as the fastest-growing producer of gold in Africa. The country has been plagued by terror attacks of recent that has left hundreds dead.

The Burkina Faso government’s move to nationalize mines is actually nothing novel. Governments around the world nationalize companies from time to time for different reasons.

With the takeover that has angered several white mine owners, a pall of uncertainty continues to hang over the industry, with some workers stating that they now fear more terror attacks. For one, according to them, dispossessed and therefore disgruntled mine owners might turn around to fuel the terror war since they have lost it all and clearly have nothing to gain from the nationalization of the mines.

But will anything change from now?

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