
Watch Springboks Captain Siya Kolisi Talk His Mental Health Struggles

When some people see or look at celebrities, what they assume is perfection – a life without all the troubles that plague other people. But of course, that is an unrealistic position to place them in. They have their struggles as well. Only, not all of them are willing to share with the public.

Siya Kolisi, South African rugby ace and captain of the country’s rugby team, Springboks, has just given fans into this aspect of his life. Speaking about it all, he admitted that he might be strong on the outside but it is pretty hard on his mental health to always be at the top of his game.

He made this known during a short reel he shared on his verified Instagram page. He also commented about the mistake people often make, thinking that celebrities have things all together and figured out, not realising that they have their big struggles as well – much like the common folks that admire them. You can check out his post below,

By the way, the Springboks captain recently caused a stir online over how close he was with a Kaizer Chiefs director when she posed for a photograph with him. People had read intimacy into the image.

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