
Watch Wordz Unveil “The People’s Collection” Merch

For many musicians these days, making merchandise of their brand is another way of keeping their brand and their works in the memory of fans at home and even abroad. So, usually after releasing a new project, they push out merch to support it.

South African rapper Wordz is a big believer in this tradition, as exemplified recently. The songster has just unveiled what he calls the “The People’s Collection” merch. The mae speaks for itself, of course. It is something for the people or the fans if you please.

Taking to his official Instagram page, he’s shared a clip of him unveiling the merch. In the caption to his post, he pointed out that it is a thing of pleasure to unveil the merch to the public. He thanked his fans for their continuous support and directed them to the store where they can buy the same.

The post has been liked over 1k times, with multiple comments suggesting that fans were pleased with the songster releasing the mech. You can check out the post below.

The festive period is still here, so it would be cool as well to buy the merch as part of a gift for loved ones and associates. Yeah?

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