
Watch: Zoleka Mandela Is Planning For Her Death After Bone Cancer Diagnosis

It is the wish of many to live long until they are old and their baskets full of many blessings. But sometimes life has other plans, and people find themselves afflicted and with only a limited time to live. With such a brutal reality before them, some people resort to destabilizing the lives of others. And some just accept their fate and await the verdict of transience.

Zoleka Mandela falls into the latter category. She has long informed the world of her affliction, bone cancer, and continues to share updates about her health issues, most recently noting that she is already planning her death.

Cancer is one of the worst afflictions anyway can think of. So terrible is the spectre of cancer that some people would rather be HIV positive than have cancer. But then, as noted earlier, life happens and people get to contend with the morbid reality.

In a new clip she shared with her teeming fans, who have been closely following her tragic story, Zoleka, a writer, activist and granddaughter of the late Nelson Mandela, noted she is in the planning stages of her death. The video, which you can check out below, left many heartbroken, with others praying for her healing.

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