
What Hope For “Smoke & Mirrors” As Zolisa Xaluva Exits?

The weekend is starting on a dramatic note with the recent revelation that Zolisa Xaluva has just exited “Smoke & Mirrors.” He was reportedly fired from the set of the series but denied such, pointing out that negotiation was ongoing with producers.

But the same producer reportedly dismissed his claims, insisting that the acting is indeed out and no longer a part of the flick.

Before he was dropped from his role, Xaluva played the role of Caesar. By his own account, he loves the character so much for its fearlessness and bravery, and that’s despite the character being a ruthless villain

The news of his departure from the series has split viewers around mostly two lines – those opposed to his exit from the series because they believe he is a great actor and doing excellently well in the character for which he was cast, and those who see nothing wrong with his exit, so long as producers have a better replacement for him.

And yet there were those uninterested in the details of his exit but simply looking forward to their next fix of “Smoke & Mirrors,” with whatever character the producers pick as a replacement. It remains to be seen what impact his replacement would have – if at all.

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