
Xenophobia, Operation Dudula: A Tale of South Africa in Crisis

A wave of uncertainty has gripped some foreigners amid speculations of xenophobia in South Africa. But the uncertainty isn’t new, nor is the narrative of xenophobia.

South Africa has had sporadic crises of Xenophobia, leaving foreigners worried about what might happen next.

Discussions around xenophobia have taken center stage again, amid rising unemployment and crime rates in South Africa.

Some South Africans are of the view that foreigners – usually undocumented ones – are taking the jobs that should go to the local population, and these South Africans are having none of that.

The same collective has also blamed foreigners – mostly people from neighing countries, as well as from Nigeria – for the surging crime rate in the country. But those blamed would dismiss the claims as nothing more than xenophobia.

The narratives on xenophobia are violently divided right now. There appears to be no agreement on the subject. On the South African side, Nhlanhla Lux is on the vanguard of taking the jobs from undocumented foreigners and giving the same to the local population. Below are some of the prevailing views on the subject.

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Some South Africans are adamant the government is responsible for the current immigration crisis. But what will change? Stay tuned.

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