
Years Later, Kwesta Talks Bringing Rick Ross To South Africa

Years ago, South African rapper Kwesta made headlines when he invited American rapper Rick Ross to South Africa, becoming the first South African individual to bring a high profile rapper of American provenance to the Rainbow Nation.

Well, the “Ngud” hitmaker has got a lot to say about working with his American counterpart. When Ross was in South Africa, he got to meet Kwesta’s family and bonded with them all. Of particular interest to many people since the visit was the claim in some quarters that Kwesta’s grandmother sent Rick Ross to buy bread.

But how true is that claim. It was one of the things Kwesta addressed, confirming that that it actually happened back then. The revelation left many South Africans in stitches. Granny probably didn’t know what she was doing when she asked him to go buy bread.

Funny how an incident that happened years ago provokes shattering laughter among South Africans to this day. The  Post below shows Rick Ross and Kwesta at the time of the American’s visit to South Africa.

By the way, since that visit, The Amercian has yet to pay another visit to the Rainbow Nation. When the invitation comes, Ross will certainly follow.

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