
Zandile Mafe’s Cellphone Contacts Might Uncover More Pointers About Parliament Fire

Thirty-two years to the day since Nelson Mandela was freed, Zandile Mafe has appeared in court on Friday for his alleged involvement in the fire at parliament on January 2.

Mafe stunned court observers during his bail hearing on January 29 when he testified that he actually desired for Chris Hani’s killer, Janusz Walus, to be set free on February 11 2022, the anniversary of Mandela’s release.

Walus is serving a life sentence for the assassination of Hani, leader of the SA Communist Party, back in April 1993. Previously, Mafe had testified in support of his bail application, but it was turned down, keeping him in custody.

Donning a blue shirt, grey sweater and a formal black jacket, Mafe showed up yet again in Cape Town magistrate’s court on a Friday morning.

Prosecutor, Mervyn Menigo, disclosed that forensic reports were still outstanding, and some of Mafe’s clothing still being analysed for evidence of accelerants. Additionally, items discovered in his possession needed to be identified in connection to the theft charge he faces.

“A cellphone in possession of the accused has delivered certain records and certain leads coming from the phone have to be followed up and statements obtained.”

The state did request an eight-week postponement to enable it finish its investigation, but the magistrate has granted six weeks, to March 25.

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