
Zaza Mokhethi Reacts To Criticisms Over Her Appearance On The Venting Podcast

Gospel singer Zaza Mokhethi came under fire from her Criustian fans over the interview she granted to popular sangoma Gogo Skhotheni on her The Venting Podcast.

By the gospel singer’s account, we are all God’s children despite having different beliefs. Her claim seemingly angered a lot of fans so much that they called her out and even forced her to explain her position on that.

Reacting to the backlash her opinion provoked, she made it clear that her statement on the podcast has not changed who she is. She insisted she is still a Christian despite what she said on the podcast.

In her own words, “I have decided to publicly re-affirm my faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Christian faith and the Christian community at large.” However, despite her claims that she is still a part of the body of Christ, and despite insisting that there is nothing unusual about a Christian using a platform hosted by a juju priest (sangoma), some of her fans would not be convinced.

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