
Zendaya Addresses Pregnancy Rumours

Is Zendaya pregnant? Well, that’s what the denizens of TikTok were saying, forcing the actress to address the rumours and set the records straight.

In a post on her Instagram stories, she ha clarified that she wasn’t pregnant without using the word or anything relating to pregnancy. She left a laconic reply – in just seventeen words.

She claimed tweeps were just making things up weekly. And that’s one of the reasons she stays away from the platform. You can check out her post below.

Well, even though she had officially denied being pregnant, some peeps are still peddling the rumour while others are saying she was lying. Maybe they know her body more than she knows it herself? Lol.

Well, with the current rumour wave, the actress has joined the league of celebs who were not pregnant but were inundated with rumours of their pregnancy on social.

Well, in case you want to know, the actress hasn’t exactly ruled out getting pregnant in the future and having kids of her own. Until that happens, the rumour mongers will have to keep their lips sealed and eyes peeled for when the bump erupts. It will most likely shake the world. Stay tuned, y’all.

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