
Zimbabwean Millionaire Wicknell Chivayo Reveals His Source Of Wealth

He is one of the richest men in Zimbabwe, or at least some people think so given how much and how often he displays his possessions, from stacks of American dollars to the choicest cars money can buy. But what exactly is the source of wealth of Zimbabwean millionaire (Sir) Wicknell Chivayo?

Well, that is one question that many people have been asking for as long as we can remember. But what does the man himself have to say about the question? He gave an answer to that recently, seemingly sating the curiosity of some of his fans and admirers.

In an Instagram story that appeared to have been directed at his “haters” and other people who have been questioning his source of wealth, Chivayo pointed out some of his business, including the supply of diesel to neighbouring Lesotho. You can check out the post below.

The businessman is known for his support of the ruling Zimbabwean African National Union-Patrotic Friont (ZANU-PF) and often conditions his aid to people on their support for the ruling party. He even promised a veteran Zimbabwean musician $500k if he should apologise for criticising the ruling party. The musicians didn’t accept the offer, though

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