
Bucy Radebe – Spiritual Encounter Album Review

Gospel minister Bucy Radebe is one of the exciting voices in Christian music out there. So when she croons of “Spiritual Encounter,” there was a strong motivation to check out the body of work.

Although young in South Africa’s burgeoning gospel industry, the songstress has done remarkably well – as solo artiste and as a backup vocalist. Her latest compilation, “Spiritual Encounter,” popped on Apple Music and other digital platforms in February of last year.

It may have been almost a year since that body of work popped online, but it remains as powerful as can be – a compilation that every Christian desiring a reaffirmation of Christ’s power and glory ought to possess.

An encounter indicates an unplanned meeting, usually one that is etched in one’s memory. Spiritual encounter is a plane above the ordinary. From the beginning of Bucy Radebe’s “Spiritual Encounter” album, you get the feeling that you are signing up for a strong affirmation of your faith in all things Christ.

Bucy Radebe – Spiritual Encounter Album Review 2

The album begins with “Sikuyo Indlela,” a song which leaves the listener – you might say the Christian – convinced he is on the way to something grand – well, if he should keep the fire of Christ burning in his spirit.

The songstress exudes as much spiritual energy in “Thuma Mina” and “Ndibeke,” fierce spiritual numbers that we see many out there listening to on repeat.

“Lebitso la Ngwana (Emmanuel)” affirms the birth of Christ – the miracle of that birth and how the Christian can soar on the wings of that miracle. It is one of our favourites in the compilation, and we see many out there favouriting it as well.

“Ha Ke Khumama” might come handy in moment’s of adversity. This deeply moving number will light up the spirit in no time.

With “Thuso” you know you are not alone in your struggles; you know that Christ is there to help, to affirm you. This song bears so much spiritual force it might leave some emotional listeners in tears.

“Worrier’s Medley” is an interesting number that fortunately wouldn’t sell you to the daemons of worry. On the contrary, the song is to the soul what an emollient is to the hurting. It’s an instantly likeable tune – “Worrier’s Medley.”

And where it appears like death is stalking you, the Christian, you only have to listen to “Uzugcin’impilo Yam'”, a song which illuminates the power of God to save those who earnestly seek him. God will preserve them in spite of the plots of the enemies.

Bucy Radebe brings assurances of good news to the Christian race in her “Taba E Molemo” track, which readily lights the soul of the believer. As a believer, the Christian is a joint heir with Christ, a partaker in all things good. The message of good news and the availability of God’s grace and power continues until the listener steps into the corridors of “Waze WaMuhle.”

“Spiritual Encounter” is what it is: a body of work that might cause you to experience Christ’s power afresh. It is packed with so much spiritual energy it will surely reignite the faith of any Christian who listens to it.

But that’s not all. It also illuminates, for those who would see, the role of the spiritual in the physical, and how Christ delights in showing off with the lives of those who earnestly seek him.

This body of work ought to be on the playlist of every Christian out there – whatever their denomination. Although Bucy Radebe elected to work with no guests in this album which plays for exactly one hour and fifty minutes, she manages to create spiritual magic with it. We therefore have no qualms recommending the album.

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