
Stilo Magolide – Back To The Kaap ft. YoungstaCPT

SA Hip Hop star, Stilo Magolide has just come through with a brand new joint titled “Back To The Kaap” and featuring contributions from YoungstaCPT.

We have high hopes for the SA Hip Hop scene this year. We must confess, some of those hopes have already been reached with the songs that have been released. Stilo Magolide takes the lead this time on a brand new entry.

Last year, he released the song “My Love” featuring contributions from AmaBoyz & First. He also dropped the “Infinite Melanin” album with contributions from Lucille Slade, Tru Hitz, Debra Nist, KLY, Ntaba Yase Dubai, Aubrey Qwana, and more.

Now, he is out with this new offering. He titles it “Back To The Kaap” and enlists the talents of YoungstaCPT to contribute to the song. Together, they do a great job on it. Check the song out below to listen to it. Also, add it to a playlist of your choice.

Back To The Kaap

File removed on 20th September, 2023. Click for new music

Stream/Download: Apple Music Spotify YouTube YouTube Music
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