
Soa Mattrix – Groove Cartel Mix

Soa Mattrix is out with the banging “Groove Cartel Mix.”

In our opinion, no one does it like Soa Mattrix. The talented muso has a beautiful connection with his fans, and he blesses them with new music when they need it. He has returned to the scene with a brand new mix.

The last time we saw him, Soa Mattrix appeared alongside Dinky Kunene and Buhle Sax as a featured act in the song “Wena Dali” by the duo Murumba Pitch and Omit ST. A music video was released to promote it. He also teamed up with DJ Moscow and released “Soka Lami,” featuring Nandi Ndathane.

Soa has returned to the scene with a new mix. It is the “Groove Cartel Mix.” He did a fantastic job on the mix. Check it out below to listen to it. Also, add the mix to a playlist of your choice this week.

Soa Mattrix – Groove Cartel Mix

File removed on 20th September, 2023. Click for new music
Stream/Download: Apple Music Spotify YouTube YouTube Music
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