
AKA Scoffs At Jumbled “Black Out Tuesday” Posts

It appears of all the peccadilloes one may ascribe to Kiernan Jarryd Forbes, long famous by the stage name AKA, lack of originality is not one of them.

As you are probably aware, on Tuesday some streaming platforms “blacked out” briefly in memory of George Floyd, an American who perished after a harrowing encounter with the cop Chauvin and his cop buddies in Minneapolis.

To participate in the “Tuesday trend” – the Black Out Tuesday so to speak – social media users need only share a blank (black) screen. Some social media users apparently jumbled things: many used the #BLM hashtag thus causing unrelated resources to be merged.

AKA is not only miffed, he declaimed out loud people should use their brains. To him, their brains have been pretty dormant.

It appears he is not the only South African conversant with the confusion about “Black Out Tuesday” posts and the BLM hashtag. His compatriot Nasty C is, too. Unlike AKA, though, Nasty C was much more paternal in his correction.

Well, what do you think of AKA’s moment aggravation and how he responded to the mix-up? We invite you to share your thoughts with us in the comments if you please.

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