
Album Release Date: DJ Tira Dares DJ Maphorisa

A little war is brewing in South Africa’s music horizon, but it’s all for the culture – all good so to say. And fans are expectant, watching how the war plays out.

This war has nothing to the with the lobbing of grenades or the discharging of Kalashnikov rifles. No. It has to do with the date for the release of albums. Sounds interesting, right? Come along then.

About a week back, DJ Maphorisa, the gqom king turned amapiano prince announced his friend and collaborator Kabza De Small’s album will be released June 26. He didn’t just announce the release date; he asked fellow artistes so avoid dropping anything on same date in order not to dilute attention from Kabza De Small’s work.

While it appears other musos have heeded his appeal, DJ Tira, another celebrated figure in South African music, has dared DJ Maphorisa, stating he would release an album on the same date.

He shared a tweet which, translated from the Zulu, reads: “Come, we’ll meet on the day.” Check the screenshots below.

Would DJ Tira release an album on the same day? Or is he merely joking? The 26th is just 4 days ago. A lot will be revealed then. Stay tuned for updates if you please.

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