
Bongani Fassie & Buhle Back Together After Violent Altercaction

In a move that has shocked and surpriused many South Africans at the same time, Bongani Fassie and his girlfriend Buhle, infamous for their endless fights and accusation and counter-accusations of domestic violence, have gotten back together again.

A while back, Buhle had Ignited South Africa’s social media space when she calimed that Bonagni assaulted her and vandalised her home, sharing pictures of her wounds to buttress her points. So why would she go back to him after all of this? MZansi doesn’t have the answers but some tweeps are already putting together theories.

Some think she is drunk with the Fassie name (Bongani is the son of the late icon Brenda Fassie); some think she is suffering from stockholm syndrome, and yet some insist she should be left alone to face whaevet she sees she has refused to be “delivered” from the supposedly abusive relationship.

According to sources, not only are the two back together after their previous altercation, they are not directly blaming themselves for what happened but rather pointo their previous fight as a spiritual attack.

Anyway, South Africa is watching. Hopefully, Mzansi doesn’t getr to hear that they have had another spat and somthing worse has happened. Stay tuned.

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