
Cyan Boujee Set For Her 3rd BBLProcedure

At the rate Cyan Boujee is going, she might soon become the poster girl for Brazilian Butt Life (BBL) in South Africa. Multiple reports point to her being about to get her third BBL procedure.

It’s not like someone is trying to embarrass her by telling lies about her life, though. The DJ an influencer revealed this much herself – that she will be going under the knife for a third time.

In a moment of candour, she revealed that her BBL leaked regularly and she had to apply fabric plaster to contain the spillage. As a result, she always has fabric plaster with her.

It has apparently reached the point when she had to go under the knife again to fix that. The reactions to her going under the knife again have been pretty mixed. Some of her fans wished her the best and a successful surgery.

However, some mocked her over the spillage, claiming that she was okay at some point but decided to ruin her own life by doing BBL. And now she is raping the result of her “stupidity.”

Anyway, all eyes are now on her to see the results of her third BBL. We’ll be here to bring updates to you.

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