
Desperate Fan Gets Cooking Tips From Anele Mdoda

South African media personality Anele Mdoda has seemingly saved the day for a fan of hers who doesn’t know how to cook but would have to cook for her man later.

The woman, known simply as Faith on Twitter, had tweeted she is in a new relationship and her man has asked her to cook for him and his friends. But she is clueless about cooking and now she needs help. You can check out her tweet below.

Some tweeps used the tweet as an opportunity to joke, with one user asking Faith if she had considered fainting. Of course, that would have automatically cancelled the cooking call.

Well, Abele has better ideas – after all, Faith can’t be fainting all the time. Or can she? The celebrated media personality suggested an easy recipe that Faith could prepare for her man. Grilled vegetables with lemon butter, potato salad and the rest, and she should be good to go. Her recipe suggested is detailed here.

Anele Mdoda’s suggestion got South Africans talking, with some comparing her to Tito Mboweni, South Africa’s former finance minister, who is known to be a great cook and often showcases his cooking adventures online.

It remains to be seen how faith would pull off her cooking assignment.

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