
Euphonik Criticized For Demanding Case Number Online After Opening Of Rape Case Against Him

DJ Euphonik has been massively criticized online for demanding a case number from the police after a mysterious lady accused him and his friend DJ Fresh of drugging and raping her back in 2011.

DJ Fresh had denied ever knowing the lady, let alone committing the crime of which she had accused him. She had ultimately dismissed her claims as spurious. Here is the backstory.

Thereafter he and DJ Euphonik had released a statement in which they averred they were stepping away from all public work until the case has been resolved – justice taken its full course.

A day after, Euphonik had apparently tweeted to the police, asking for a case number. This did not impress some social media denizens. One user, who goes by the Twitter handle @AmoSephiri16, wondered why the celebrated DJ was writing to the police via social media.

She apparently wanted him to present himself to the police instead of writing them on Twitter, the police having admitted they don’t monitor the account.

Well, what do you think about the dragging of Euphonik over his tweeting to the South African police? You might want to join the conversation by dropping your thoughts in the comment section below.

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