
#Jerusalema: Master KG Addresses Rift With Nomcebo

The sterling success of Jersalema, which should have strengthened the bond between South Africa’s Master KG and Nomcebo, appears to be dividing them terribly.

A division was latent in the relationship previously, fanned by fans. But things appeared to have gone terribly awry when Master KG began his “Jerusalema” tour without Nomcebo. In her place, he had Zanda Zakuza, another South African singer and one with whom he had released the hit “Skeleton Move” in 2018.

Some ofNomcebo’s fans were upset he should leave out Nomcebo, with whom he had released “Jerusalema” to global success, out of his tour.

While acknowledging the support of her fans, Nomcebo had also released a statement claiming that she had not been paid a dime for her contributions to the song. She also stated that she had informed her lawyers to take up the case.

In response, master KG himself had stated that the agreement was for them to share the proceeds of the song 50/50, but that Nomcebo wants 70, which would leave him with just 30 percent.

In a now-deleted tweet, he also mentioned that Nomcebo had received R1.5 million for the song, while also claiming that the songstress had not aid him a anything for his contributions to her song “Xola Moya Wami.”

He said he’s tired of being hate for lies.

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