
Mixed Reactions Trail Video Of Cyan Boujee Motivating Kids At School — Watch

The place of motivation in propelling people, students or not, into the realm of continuous growth has been emphasised time and again. And it is doubtful there will ever be an end to the motivation narrative.

Well, South African singer and DJ Cyan Boujee thought it would be great to pop into school and motivate the kids. And she did just that. But many faulted her action on many lines.

In a clip shared online by MDN News, she could be seen holding the microphone among a group of students Motivating them with her words.

The clip went viral in no time with the reactions to it pretty mixed. While some commended her for inspiring the students with her words, some faulted the way she dressed for the occasion. They felt she was inappropriately dressed, and criticised her for it. You can check out the clip below.

This is but one of several controversies that have enveloped the DJ since she popped into the music scene in South Africa. And given her antecedents, it is doubtful the controversies will end anytime soon.

By the way, Cyan Boujee recently snagged attention after her relationship collapsed soon after she allegedly blew R50k celebrating her boyfriend’s birthday.

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