
Netflix SA Shades ‘Shaka iLembe’ Before Premiere

Netflix SA shaded Mzansi Magic’s “Shaka Ilembe” by calling Henry Cele the best Shaka Zulu.

Does this mean war? Does it? Because we are ready for it. When celebs fight, we know the drama will be very entertaining. We have also seen record labels go to war on Twitter, which was not disappointing. We might just be seeing another war between Netflix SA and Mzansi Magic.

Well, Mzansi Magic was busy minding their business, preparing for the premiere of the new “Shaka Ilembe” series, when Netflix dragged them by the hair. LoL. If you’re late to the party, here’s what went down.

The streaming platform reacted to a tweet asking for an actress or actor who was the perfect casting for a movie or series. They mentioned Henry Cele, who played Shaka Zulu in the iconic series, as the only perfect cast. Of course, the shade was obvious. When asked by a tweep if they were throwing shade, they replied that it wasn’t their style.

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