
Rasta’s Tribute Painting Of Zahara Has Mzansi In Head-Shaking Frenzy

SOIuth Arican painter Rasta is in the news again, as usual for his painting of the dead. His subject this time is the recently deceased singer Zahara.

An X user recently shared a painting Rasta made of Zahara, and South Africans had a lot to say about it. It appeared the painting left many South Africans unimpressed as usual, with some of them claiming that he made the singer look like a man.

Some pointed out that the picture he painted was ugly, with the resemblance to the late singer not particularly close. But then, the current verdict wouldn’t surprise those who have been following Rasta’s creative odyssey for a long time. You can check out the post below.

Rasta has a habit of painting late stars as soon as he gets wind of their deaths. even the British Queen Elizabeth II was “honoured” with a painting at death.

Then, like now, saw people making jests of Rasta’s best efforts, with netizens describing his works as nothing more than caricatures of the subjects he wanted to paint.

Despite the criticisms, Rasta Doesn’t appear to mind. And it is doubtful that he will stop painting celebs anytime soon. After all, every attempt to silence him had not yielded results.

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