
Sexual Assault Claims: Designer David Tlale Speaks Out

The spectre of sexual assault is something South Africa has been contending with for as long as one can remember. So when a sexual assault allegation is made against a popular public figure, the public is bound to pay attention.

And that’s exactly what is happening right now for David Tlale, a celebrated South African fashion designer currently facing sexual assault allegations from an Instagram user who goes by the handle @mrzackiekins.

In a post shared on his Story, which was also copied to his main page, the Instagram user claimed that the fashion designer drugged him and sexually abused him at his when he was just 21.

At rhe time, he said he was young and naive and looked up to the fashion icon. He thought they had a friendship, but David Tlale manipulated and exploited him and didn’t give him what he deserved after providing ancillary services for the fashion designer’s brand. You can check out the detailed claims below.

After a brief silence, David Tlale spoke out, denying the claims that he assaulted the Instagram user. In his words, the claims are “categorically false and only seek to cause me serious harm and also seek to undermine the lived experiences of those who are real victims of sexual assault of any nature.”

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