
Sho Madjozi Joins Authors Leagues, Launches Children’s Book, “Shoma and the Stars”

she was the subject of mordant jokes recently when she popped into Da L.E.S podcast drunk, but Sho Madjozi has shrugged off that embarrassing moment to launch a new children’s book titled “Shoma and the Stars.”

the said book was part of the topics treated during her sit-down with the rapper, but she wasn’t focused because she had gotten a lot of alcohol in her system. At the end of the inteview, sober, she had joked about herself and her performance during the interview.

Anyway, it’s book season for the songstress who has taken an extensive break from music, in a recent post on her verified Instagram channel, she had informed fans of the availability of her book. To parents specifically, she noted that she had sorted them out this Christman with her new book.

The book is obviously named for her. ShoMa stands for Sho Madjozi. The reactions to her post have been positive, with celebrities and fans alike showing her support. Lady Du was put there, asking if she could buy a book for Sho Madjozi’s twin (whoever that might be).

If you are a parent to young children, you might want to snag a copy for them now.

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