
Simz Ngema and Tino Chinyani Share 3 Saucy Pictures

Mzansi gasps as famous love birds Simz Ngema and Tino Chinyani share three saucy photos on social media.

Mzansi loves the kind of love that Simz Ngema and Tino Chinyani share. The couple has been all over each other this year. If this is what rekindled love looks like, someone better sign us up.

From making music together to showing love to each other on social media, the couple has earned praise from their fans for sticking tight and growing together. Simz recently shared three saucy pictures of them in their bathing suits enjoying time in the pool. She wrote,

“Ayikho indlovu esindwa umboko wayo (There is no elephant weighed down by its’ own trunk). I’m not sure who’s the Ndlovu (elephant) and who’s the Mboko (trunk), but I’m gonna be carried today.”

Simz was also spotted with a huge rock on her finger. Speaking to Briefly, Tino opened up about what he loves about her. He said,

“I admire a lot about her. A lot of times in life, you get knocked down in life, and it gets hard to place your feet back up again. I love her kindness and her beautiful heart as it shows me that there is no limit to how much a person can give because the more you give, the more you receive.”

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