
Satoshi Nakamoto & His Bitcoin Connection

For most investors in the crypto space, from individuals to institutions, Bitcoin is the in-thing, the asset to be hodl – no, that’s not a typo – till kindgom come. But this was not the prevailing narrative at the outset. Years ago, when Bitcoin was trading for cents each, many people had no such faith in it.

On the contrary, institutions mocked it. Some even called it a fad that will vanish over time. Contrary to their expectations and predictions, bitcoin has continued to grow in strength and appeal – so much so that both institutions and individuals have reconsidered their positions.

Now, most see Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation given its limited availability – Yes, there is a fixed amount of Bitcoin supply in the world – and they are taking positions in the crypto asset accordingly.

But who is the man behind Bitcoin and how has he managed to remain anonymous and an enigma since one of the most important inventions in history?

Meeting Satoshi Nakamoto

From the name, one would want to declaim, “Hey, that’s some Japanese bloke right there,” and for good reason. The name sounds – and really -is – Japanese. But as crypto pundits have pointed out, more likely than not, the name is an alias for an individual, who wanted to remain anonymous.

Bitcoin came as one man’s vision to decentralize finance and take the power from the banks and hand it to the people, making transactions not only seamless but also fast, anonymous and reliable – unlike banks. The idea was that, with Bitcoin, one can make transactions anywhere in the world with bottlenecks like KYC (know your customer).

One only needs to have a Bitcoin wallet to make transactions with any other person anywhere in the world who also has a Bitcoin wallet. There is no need for a customer care rep, a bank CEO or other appurtenances of modern banking. For one man to have achieved this, sure, that’s a priceless legacy.

Dissecting The Enforced Anonymity of Satosho Nakamoto

That Satoshi Nakamoto, who founded Bitcoin, is not known is not really news. The person behind the cryptocurrency has maintained an enforced anonymity from the outset. many theories have been propounded as to why he chooses to remain anonymous.

A couple of things are clear, though: Part of Bitcoin’s appeal comes from the anonymity of its founder. If its founder were known, Bitcoin may not have gained the sinews that it flexes today. More than that, the founder himself would have been assassinated by the global banking mafia whose businesses Bitcoin has upset forever.

But the founder isn’t known yet despite multiple theories pointing to him being “this” or “that” figure in today’s universe. Therein lies part of the charms of Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency – something Satoshi Nakamoto himself must have thought out, wisely.

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