
Bodybuilding Ace Cedric McMillan Dead at 44

Iconic bodybuilder Cedric McMillan is dead. He reportedly suffered a heart attack while on a treadmill and passed away. He was aged 44.

Loved as much for his physique as for his personality, Cedric earned his first professional title when he won the 2009 NPC National Championship. 

He had gone on to other wind in his career, cementing his place as not only one of the most visible faces in bodybuilding but one of the most respected as well. 

So it is understandable why the news of his death has left many in the industry in the dust of grief. According to one particularly grief-stricken fan, Cedric fan, Cedric was not only a great bodybuilder, but he was also one of the best ever to do it. 

Of course, in the material plane, death is inevitable. But the impact one has made determines whether or not one is remembered — and for good or not. 

Cedric’s was a life well-lived, and the industry is saddened that he’ll no longer be around to share all of him with the world. Adieu, champ. 

By the way, the camp’s last Instagram post was made seven days ago, and there are no details about a funeral yet. Stay tuned for those if you please.

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