
Singer Brendan Peyper Brins Some Magic To “Op My Eish!” In Search of Love

He who finds love finds a good thing, right? Well, that is what the Holy Book says. And it appears like Afrikaans singer Brendan Peyper is looking to fulfill the admonition in that book by joining “Op My Eish!”

The dating show is currently in its third season, with the first episode of the season expected to air in January next year. Thursday , 11 January 2024, at 8pm is when the show’s first episode is expected to air. Already, expectations are high not just for those who are on the show but for vewers as well.

Of key interest is Brenda Peyper, who is so chuffed to be on the show that he admitted enthusiastically: “Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that this show would teach me so much, and I’m so glad I did it!”

This reason is expected to be just as adventurous as past season, with hunting scenes, as well as exploring in a hot air balloon. But just how good a lover is Brendan and what impact would he make in the heart of ladies on the show. He would rather have you believe he can bring in some magic. Then you should be able to wait to find out for yourself.

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