
Adidas Originals Metaverse Adventure: The Ozworld Experience

The metaverse is the new go-to destination for most brands and Adidas Originals in making a foray into that orbit. 

With this foray, the fashion brand brings a first-of-its-kind virtual Ozworld Experience to its fans. The brand’s Ozworld collection, delivered in conjunction with Ready Player Me, offers the best of A-generated avatars. 

With the Ozworld Experience, users have a chance to create a digital version of themselves and traffic the same through the web via Ready Player Me. The experience is as immersive as can be. 

By creating a digital version of themselves, players can explore the virtual worlds with a consistent identity. This way, confusion is avoided. 

In a post on its verified Instagram page, Adidas Originals had given fans an update about int foray into the virtual world and what fans might expect. 

With its foray into the digital universe that is the metaverse, Adidas Originals joins rivals NIKE and other brands that have been exploring this exciting new universe.

The idea of the metaverse isn’t exactly new. It was explored in films (think The Simpsons, etc) but is now only becoming a reality. The interest in this virtual universe has skyrocketed over time, attracting corporate organisations. 

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