
Emtee Drops Verdict Mental Health And His Critics

Mental health is an acknowledged global concern, with those who care enough letting the public and those negatively affected seek for help one way or the other.

One of the celebrities who have joined the advocacy for mental health is the South African rapper Emtee. In a recent tweet that appeared to have been directed at his male fans, the songster implored those who are facing mental health issues not to be afraid to cry out for help if they have to.

He dismissed the narrative that people have to “man up” and pretend that all was okay when they are, in fact, dying within from mental challenges. You can check out the tweet below.

While some tweeps concurred with him and even praised his advice, others were unapologetically mordant, asking why he choose to burden the public with his challenges.

The “Prayer” chanter was quick to respond to this set of people, asking why, whenever he shares his experiences and pain, tweeps were always quick to say he is playing the victim. The tweet follows.

Emtee has gone through a lot as a person. So he had grounds, perhaps. Whether people take his advice is a different thing entirely. Stay tuned for more if you please.

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