
Emtee On Allegations He Physically Abused His Heavily Pregnant Wife

Emtee’s wife is seven-month pregnant. For most, that may not be the news but the recent claim that he physically abused her. Of course, a claim of such magnitude is not something anyone expects to be taken lightly. This is especially true because she is already seven months pregnant.

But did he hit her as has been claimed out there? Known for always sharing his side on social media, sometimes with evidence to back things up, Emtee tweeted that he is one for honour and motivation and would not lay his hands on any woman or anyone for that matter.


In another tweet, he claimed that he did three shows the night before (Thursday, February 2) but was locked out of his apartment by his wife Nicole Chinsamy. He then wondered why with the evidence he had shared people should think of him as a bad person.

Emtee and Nicole have fought sporadically online. At some point, he even claimed that her mother and brothers were after his life. Nicole denied his claims, though, insisting that she had kept quiet all along for the benefit of their children but she had to set the record straight. They made up. And now they have allegedly fought again

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