
Late Singer Zahara’s Recording Reveals Conflict with TS Records, Sparking Mixed Reactions

An old recording of the late South African singer Zahara has surfaced, revealing her grievances against her former business partners at TS Records, DJ Sbu and TK Nciza. Despite her posthumous fame, the release of this recording has met with a lukewarm response from the public, indicating a shift in interest away from the singer’s label disputes.

The Recording: A Glimpse into Zahara’s Struggles

In the recording, Zahara, known for hits like “Loliwe” and “Ndiza,” expresses her frustration with DJ Sbu (Sbu Leope) and TK Nciza, accusing them of financial exploitation. She goes as far as to attribute their personal misfortunes to divine retribution for their actions against her. This revelation comes in stark contrast to the tributes paid to her at her funeral, where TK Nciza reminisced about Zahara’s pride in her roots and her inspirational journey.

Public Reaction: Indifference and Questions

The public’s reaction to the recording has been notably indifferent, with many questioning the relevance of these revelations to Zahara’s legacy. Comments on social media reflect a sense of fatigue over the ongoing drama surrounding the singer’s career and her relationship with TS Records. Some netizens have even questioned why Zahara did not pursue legal action during her lifetime.

DJ Sbu’s Response and Zahara’s Rights

DJ Sbu has previously addressed the issue of Zahara’s music rights, asserting that she owned her publishing and received direct payments from Sheer Music. He emphasized that her music would continue to benefit her family, underscoring its enduring value.

Broader Impact: Inspiring Change in the Industry

The saga has not only shed light on Zahara’s struggles but also inspired others in the industry. Singer Toya Delazy revealed that Zahara’s experiences with TS Records motivated her to write a book about her own challenges with record labels, highlighting the need for greater transparency and fairness in the music industry.

As Zahara’s voice continues to resonate beyond her passing, her story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities and challenges artists face in the music industry.

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