
NSFAS Stops Funding To 5,000 Students, Releases Statement

The NSFAS (National Students Financial Aid Scheme) has stopped funding for five thousand non-qualifying students.

The administrator of NFAS Dr Randall J Carolissen was on Radio 702 earlier today to discuss (with Joanne Joseph) the reasons for the unfunding of the five thousand students. If you missed the interview, you can check it out here:

The NFAS also released a statement on the reasons for the unfunding of the five thousand students. According to the statement, the South Africa Revenue Service (SARS) revealed that the declared total household family income for the affected students was above the R350,000 threshold.

The NSFAS has informed the affected students of the unfunding. Students can appeal the NFAS verdict, however. The window for this is 14 days from the release of the statement on unfunding students. (See below).

By the way, application for the 2021 aid scheme is open. According to the organization, those who want to apply will need a cellphone, a cellphone number and an email address. Those without cellphones might use the cellphone of a trusted guardian.

It is best to have your own phone, though. By the way, no two applicants can usethe same email or phone number.

More details about the scheme are available on the official website:

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