
Tweeps React As Cardi B Says Couples Should Split Their Bills 50-50

The debate on how – or rather if – couples should split bills has been going on for as long as we can remember, and it is doubtful that it will end anytime soon. Of course, there is bound to be great resonance to the debate when a celebrity joins in.

This was exactly what happened recently when American rapper Cardi b shared her two cents on the subject.

It turned out that the songstress is chill with bill-sharing, According to her, the ladies have to get their ass out there and contribute to the home instead of allowing the guy to do all the paying.

She shared her thoughts in a clip currently making the rounds online. The video resonated with some people, who praised her for her candour and for being understanding of the “burden placed on men.”

Some mocked her suggestion about having the ladies contributing 50-50 with their men, pointing out that it often leads to the ladies disrespecting the man. As far as they are concerned 50-50 is a no-no for any self-respecting man. You can check out the clip below.

Well, Cardi B wanted to share her thoughts, and she has done just that. How the public reacts to her opinion is not something she has control over.

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