
DJ Ganyani Claims New Artists Are Damaging The Music Business For Others

Music veteran DJ Ganyani has raised concerns about the behavior of new artists in the entertainment industry, claiming that they are damaging the business for others. He states that these new artists view the industry as a “gold mine” and are not showing respect for the established players in the industry.

According to Ganyani, these new artists frequently cancel gigs, causing disappointment for fans and making it difficult for established players to maintain their relationships with venues and customers.

He urges these new artists to respect the industry and understand that their careers depend on maintaining good relationships with all stakeholders in the industry. Ganyani’s comments have received a lot of reactions from other industry players and fans, with many agreeing with his sentiment.

It’s heartbreaking to read such concerns from establishments. Today most of us have long standing careers because of the mutually beneficial relationships we have with establishments and fans.

Please respect your bread and butter. Your career is dependent on your respect for all stakeholders…

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