
Khaya Mthethwa On 621 SABC Employees Losing Jobs

At a time when many are out of jobs as a result of the violent slaps of the coronavirus pandemic and the corresponding lockdown, the news of more job losses is not what many can’t stomach right now.

621 employees of the South African Broadcasting Coeporation (SABC) have reportedly lost their jobs. Many South Africans are incredulous, including Khaya Mthethwa, himself a broadcaster.

In a recent tweet, Khaya, wo is also a pastor and singer, made it clear that he empathized with those who lost their jobs in the government corporation. To emphasize his point, he ended his tweet with a broken hear emoji.

His tweet has been liked over 4k times and tweeted over 800 times. In response to his tweet, some Twitter denizens wanted to know the fate of some notable figures. One asked if Somizi, who is also a judge on reality television show idols SA, was affected.

Some fans made it clear they were 621 is way too much. Others asked the SABC get them back to their roles.

SABC had previously retrenched 600 staff allegedly due to restructuring. The company is said to be facing serious financial challenges, and te letting go of 621 staff members is said to be an avenue to cut costs.

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