
Zingah Shares Comical Photo Of Him and AKA Before Fame

Zingah is known for his musical gift. Who would have imagined the South African musician is equally capable of soul-stopping hilarity? Come on.

As you well know, no artiste out there started from the top. Artistes had to claw their way from obscurity and plain looks into fame and cosmic glow. And then they look back at the days of “humble beginnings” and laugh.

Well, Zingah, a notable friend of AKA, has just treated fans to a semblance of a feast on the past. He created a collage of him and AKA before fame. They didn’t have the glow then, and the pictures of them at the time, compared with the present, was simply hilarious.

You can check the picture below.

This isn’t your regular 10-year challenge, but as some fans have admitted amidst laughter, it comes really close. Perhaps they should save this up and use it for a challenge next year? It would still throw fans into a new fit of laughter as it had done already. Yes?

What do you make of the picture Zingah shared? Has success changed their looks and outlook on life? You might wish to join the conversation by dropping your thoughts in the comment section below.

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